Pupil Premium & Catch Up Funding

Pupil Premium

Our aim at New Horizons Academy is to raise the engagement and attainment of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding so that their progress is comparable with Non-Pupil Premium peers. Progress is not only measured in relation to academic success, but in relation to both social and emotional development. See below for Pupil Premium spending strategies.

Pupil Premium Documents

Covid-19 Catch-Up Funding

As a result of COVID-19 young people across the country have experienced an unprecedented disruption to their education. Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will have had a significant impact on both their education and wellbeing. The funding will allow schools to return to normal educational routines as quickly as possible and allows those hardest hit to catch-up.

School allocations have been calculated on a per pupil basis, and it will arrive in three tranches with an initial part payment in autumn 2020, a second payment in early 2021, based on updated pupil and place data and a final payment in the summer term. This funding will be used to support students to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

Catch-Up Funding Documents

Sport Premium

Sports Premium Documents

For more information visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium

Contact Us

New Horizons Academy, 59-77 Sheep Street, Northampton,NN1 2NE
Tel: 01604 801320
Email: adminoffice@newhorizonsacademy.org.uk

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Tove Learning Trust Logo